News Release
January 21, 2025

November 16, 2023
New Officers and Directors Elected for 2023-2024
The Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists (MASO) held its election of officers and directors at its Annual Business/Membership Meeting on September 23 at the Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, Maryland.
The new officers are: President, Dr. Alireza Omid Rajaei, Waldorf, Maryland; President-Elect, Dr. Sana Augustus, Washington, DC; Treasurer, Dr. Lynette Garcia, Arecibo, Puerto Rico; and fulfilling his second year of a two-year term as secretary is Dr. Paul Batastini, Cherry Hill, NJ. Dr. David Harmon, Mitchellville, Maryland, is Immediate Past President.
Newly elected Directors are: Dr. Mark McDonough, Pennington, NJ; and Dr. Jose Bosio, Baltimore, Maryland. They join directors Dr. Tejjy Thomas, Philadelphia, PA; and Dr. Brienne Flagg, Wilmington, DE, on the Board. Completing the Board for 2023 – 2024 are Editor Dr. Normand Boucher, Wayne, PA; Delegation Chair Dr. Richard Albright, Lancaster, PA; and Trustee Dr. Steven Siegel, Glen Burnie, MD.
Founded in 1952, the MASO has approximately 1,200 members in all categories and is a regional constituent association of the American Association of Orthodontists. Included in its geographic area are the states of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania (east of the Alleghenies), Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
MASO’s mission statement is, as a constituent of the American Association of Orthodontists, to promote ethical and quality orthodontic care while advocating and providing a voice for members, components and educational institutions.
For more information, contact:
Jane Treiber, Executive Director
Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists
Notice to MASO Members
At the Annual Business/Membership meeting on Friday, September 22, 2023 at 4:30 PM at the Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, Maryland, a motion that was approved by the Board of Directors to increase membership dues will be voted upon by the members in attendance at the meeting. The motion is to increase MASO membership dues by $10.00 for the 2024-2025 dues billing period.
The last MASO membership dues increase was effective in 2019 when Active Member Dues were increased by $20.
For questions, please contact MASO at